Hyekyoung Hwang, Il Yong Chun, and Jitae Shin, Self-supervised concept bottleneck model with concept projection and concept usage indicator, SCIE Journal, Nov. 2024 [Submitted]
Ranjita Kumari, Pradeep Kumar Anand, Jitae Shin, Sound Localization Training and Induced Brain Plasticity: An fMRI Investigation, IEEE Journal, Aug. 2024. [Submitted]
Mehwish Awan, Taeg Keun Whangbo, and Jitae Shin, Deep learning Methods for Autonomous Driving Scene Understanding Tasks: A Review, SCIE Journal, July 2024 [Submitted]
Kim, Youngjun and Shin, Jitae, Efficient and Robust Object Detection against Multi-Type Corruption Using Complete Edge Based on Lightweight Parameter Isolation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 9, Page(s): 3181-3194, FEBRUARY 2024
Sangil Ahn, Yoosoo Chang, Ria Kwon, Jeonggyu Kang, JunHyeok Choi, Ga-Young Lim, Seungho Ryu and Jitae Shin, Mammography-Based Deep Learning Model for Coronary Artery Calcification, European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 25, Issue 4, April 2024, Pages 456–466, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehjci/jead307
Mehwish Awan, Jitae Shin, Taeg Keun Whangbo, Trajectory Prediction of Heterogeneous Traffic Agents for Collision and Accident Avoidance, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, January 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3293088
Hyekyoung Hwang, Il Yong Chun and Jitae Shin, Improved Test Input Prioritization Using Verification Monitors with False Prediction Cluster Centroids, Electronics 2024, 13(1), 21
[Domestic J.] Wooseok Shin and Jitae Shin, FedGCD: Federated Learning Algorithm with GNN based Community Detection, Journal of Internet Computing and Services (JICS), Dec. 2023.
Minjoo Kim, Jinhyung Tak, Jitae Shin, A deep learning model for wafer defect map classification: perspective in classification performance and computational volume Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys., Nov. 2023
SangIl Ahn, Su Jeong Song, and Jitae Shin, FundusGAN: Fundus Image Synthesis based on Semi-Supervised Learning, Elsevier Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 86, Part C, September 2023, 105289
Ranjita Kumari, Pradeep Kumar Anand and Jitae Shin, Improving the Accuracy of Continuous Blood Glucose Measurement Using Personalized Calibration and Machine Learning, Diagnostics 2023, 13(15), 2514; https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics13152514
[Comment & Response Letter] Won Tae Yoon; Su Jeong Song, ; Jitae Shin, “Deep Learning, the Retina, and Parkinson Disease—Reply”, JAMA Ophthalmology, July 13, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2023.2921 .
Mehwish Awan, Jitae Shin, Weakly Supervised Multi-class Semantic Video Segmentation for Road Scenes, Elsevier Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Volume 230, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2023.103664, Apr. 2023.
Youngjun Kim, Jitae Shin, Robust Object Detection Against Multi-Type Corruption Without Catastrophic Forgetting During Adversarial Training Under Harsh Autonomous-Driving Environments, IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp 26862-26876,, Mar. 24, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3258626
Yan Wang, Jitae Shin, ISFRNet: A Deep Three-stage Identity and Structure Feature Refinement Network for Facial Image Inpainting, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol 17, Issue 3, 10.3837/tiis.2023.03.011, Mar. 2023.
Quang T.M. Pham, Jong Chul Han, and Jitae Shin, A multimodal deep learning model for predicting future visual field in glaucoma patients, IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp. 19049-19058, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3248065, Feb. 28, 2023.
Sangil Ahn, Jitae Shin, Su Jeong Song, Won Tae Yoon, Min Sagong, Aerum Jeong, Joon Hyung Kim, Hyeong Gon Yu, Neurologic Dysfunction Assessment in Parkinson Disease Based on Fundus Photographs Using Deep Learning, JAMA Ophthalmology [Q1, IF=8.253, < 5%] , Feb. 09, 2023.
Muhammad Shahid Jabba , Jitae Shin, and Jun-Dong Cho, AI Ekphrasis: Multi-Modal Learning with Foundation Models for Fine-Grained Poetry Retrieval, Electronics 2022, 11(8), 1275; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11081275 , Apr. 18, 2022.
H.Shahwani, S.A.Attique Shah, M.Ashraf, M.Akram, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, and Jitae Shin, A Comprehensive Survey on Data Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , Elsevier Vehicular Communications , Volume 34, Apr. 2022.
Quang T. M. Pham, SangIl Ahn, Jitae Shin, and Su Jeong Song, Generating future fundus images for early age-related macular degeneration based on generative adversarial networks, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 216, , Apr. 2022.
Hyekyoung Hwang, Eunbyung Park, Jitae Shin, Chain Graph Explanation of Neural Network Based on Feature-Level Class Confusion, Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(3), 1523; https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/3/1523, Special Issue Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Jan. 30, 2022.
Mehwish Awan, Jitae Shin, Semantic Video Segmentation with Dynamic Keyframe Selection and Distortion-aware Feature Rectification, Elsevier Image and Vision Computing, Vol.110, Jun. 01, 2021.
Youngjun Kim,Hayoung Jeong,Jun-Dong Cho and Jitae Shin, Construction of a Soundscape-Based Media Art Exhibition to Improve User Appreciation Experience by Using Deep Neural Networks, Special Issue Multi-Sensory Interaction, Electronics 2021, 10(10), 1170; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10101170 (registering DOI) - 14 May 2021, May 14, 2021.
Y. Sun, K.Gao, Z.Wu, PHAN LE TRUNG , Jitae Shin et al., Multi-Site Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2019 Challenge, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (Volume: 40, Issue: 5, May 2021), Page(s): 1363 - 1376, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3055428, May 01, 2021.
SangIl Ahn, Quang T. M. Pham , Jitae Shin, and Su Jeong Song, Future Image Synthesis for Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Lesion Occurrence Probability, Special Issue Deep Learning for Medical Images: Challenges and Solutions, Electronics 2021, 10, 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10060726, Mar. 19, 2021.
Youngjun Kim, Hyekyoung Hwang, Jitae Shin, Robust Object Detection under Harsh Autonomous-driving Environments, IET Image Processing, Mar. 04, 2021.
[Domestic Magazine] 신지태, 최덕호, 의료/헬스케어분야의 AI 응용과 도전, The Magazine of the IEIE [전자공학회지] 47(10), 2020.10, 35-45(11 pages) , Oct. 01, 2020.
Quang T. M. Pham 1, SangIl Ahn 1, Su Jeong Song 2 and Jitae Shin, Automatic Drusen Segmentation for Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Fundus Images Using Deep Learning, Electronics 2020, 9(10), 1617; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9101617 - 01 Oct 2020, Oct. 01, 2020.
Awan Mehwish and Jitae Shin, Weakly Supervised Object Detection using Complementary Learning and Instance Clustering, IEEE Access, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp103419-103432, Jun. 03, 2020.
Hamayoun Shahwani ; Bien Aime Mugabarigira ; Yiwen Shen ; Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong ; Jitae Shin, DAPF: Delay-aware packet forwarding for driving safety and efficiency in vehicular networks, IET Communications, Volume 14, Issue 9, p. 1404 –1411, Jun. 01, 2020.
[Domestic J.] Youngjun Kim, Hyekyoung Hwang, Jitae Shin, Optimization of Object Detection and Inference Time for Autonomous Driving (자율주행 환경에서 딥러닝 기법의 객체검출과 속도 성능 최적화 ), The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol.45 No.04, April, 2020., Apr. 15, 2020.
Quang T. M. Pham, Janghoon Yang and Jitae Shin, Semi-supervised FaceGAN for face-age progression and regression with synthesized paired images, Electronics 2020, Vol 9, No. 4, 603, Apr. 2020.
[Domestic J.] Trung Le Phan, Sangil Ahn, Jitae Shin, Cross-Linked Fully Convolution-DenseNet for Volumetric Segmentation of Brain MRI [ 3차원 뇌 MRI 영상 분할을 위한 밀집 교차 결합 합성 곱 네트워크], The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol.45 No.03, Mar. 31, 2020.
Li Wang, Dong Nie, Guannan Li, Qian Zhang, Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin et al., Benchmark on Automatic 6-month-old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, VOL. 38, NO. 9, pp2219-2230, Sep. 2019.
Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin, and Taesup Moon, Skip-connected 3D DenseNet for Volumetric Infant Brain MRI Segmentation, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol 54, Sep. 2019.
[Domestic J.] Youngjun Kim, En Han, Hyekyoung Hwang, Yeongsang An, Jitae Shin, Dietary Habits Improvement Based on Artificial Intelligence ( 인공지능 기반 식생활 습관 개선 다이어트 애플리케이션), Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences Vol.44 No.08, Aug. 2019.
Sang-il Ahn, Toan Duc Bui, Hyekyoung Hwang, and Jitae Shin, Performance of Ensemble Methods with 2D Pre-trained Deep Learning Networks for 3D MRI Brain Segmentation, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE), Vol. 9, No. 2, pp50-53, Jun. 2019.
Toan Duc Bui, Jae-Joon Lee, Jitae Shin, Incorporated region detection and classification using deep convolutional networks for bone age assessment, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume 97, Jun. 2019.
Seonggu LEE and Jitae Shin, Hybrid Model of Convolutional LSTM and CNN to Predict Particulate Matter, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp34-38, Mar. 2019.
Yong-woo Lee, Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin and Byung Tae Oh, Neural-network-based Impulse Noise Removal Using Group-based Weighted Couple Sparse Representation, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol.12, No.8, pp3873-3887, Aug. 31, 2018.
Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Efficient scalable video multicast based on network-coded communication, Wireless Networks, Springer, Jul. 2018. Vol.24, No. 5
Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin and Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Distributed Systematic Network Coding for Reliable Content Uploading in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Sensors, 18(6), Jun. 05, 2018.
[Domestic J.] Yongwoo Lee and Jitae Shin, DNN 기반 컬러와 열 영상을 이용한 다중 스펙트럼 보행자 검출 기법 (DNN Based Multi-spectrum Pedestrian Detection Method Using Color and Thermal Image), 방송공학회논문지 (Journal of Broadcast Engineering), Vol. 23, No. 3, May 2018.
Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Scalable Video Multicast Using Inter-layered Superposition and Network-coded 2 Cooperation over MIMO Relay Systems, Computer Communications, Volume 120, Pages 22-31, May 2018.
Hamayoun Shahwani, Phuc Chau, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Jitae Shin, APRA: Affinity Propagation-Based Resource Allocation Scheme in M2M for System Capacity Maximization, IETE Journal of Research, Vol.64, No. 1, Apr. 02, 2018. pp.36-50
Phuc Chau, Yongwoo Lee, Toan Duc Bui, and Jitae Shin, Analysis of decoding probability for systematic wireless network coding, Electronics Letters, Vol.53 No. 14, Jul. 01, 2017.
Toan Bui, Chunsoo Ahn, Jitae Shin, Unsupervised segmentation of noisy and inhomogeneous images using global region statistics with non-convex regularization, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 57, pp.13-33, Oct. 2016.
Chunsoo Ahn; Toan Duc Bui; Yong-woo Lee; Jitae Shin; Hyunjin Park, Fully automated, level set-based segmentation for knee MRIs using an adaptive force function and template: data from the osteoarthritis initiative , BioMedical Engineering OnLine [SCIE], Aug. 24, 2016.
Toan Bui, Chunsoo Ahn, Jitae Shin, Fast Localized Active Contour for Inhomogeneous Image Segmentation, IET Image Processing Vol 10 No 6, Jun. 2016.
김우연, 신지태, 오병태, 영역 구분을 통한 다시점 영상의 깊이맵 손상 복구 기법 (Region-Based Error Concealment of Depth Map in Multiview Video), J-KICS (학국통신학회논문지), Dec. 2015.
오동률, 오병태, 신지태, 가중치 결합 양방향 필터를 이용한 깊이 지도의 업샘플링 방법, 통신학회논문지, vol. 40, No.06, Jun. 2015. [Ack: NRF]
Duckdong Hwang, Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin, Tae-Jin Lee, Two cooperative multicast schemes of scalable video in relay-based cellular networks, IET Communications, vol.9, iss.7, pp.982-989, May 2015. [Ack: MSIP]
Seong-yeon Kim, Jitae Shin, 서브 패킷 단위의 네트워크 코딩 및 채널 코딩 결합 기법, 통신학회논문지, vol. 40, No.04, Apr. 2015. (Ack: MSIP
Yong-woo Lee, Toan Duc Bui, Chunsoo Ahn and Jitae Shin, Knee Cartilage Defect Assessment using Cartilage Thickness Atlas (무릎 연골 두께 아틀라스를 통한 손상 평가 기법), Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (의공학회지), 36: 43-47, Apr. 2015. [Ack: NRF]
안천수, Toan, 이용우, 신지태, 사전정보를 이용한 가우시안 커널 레벨 셋 알고리즘 기반무릎 관절 연골 자기공명영상 분할기법, 한국통신학회논문지, Jun. 2014.
Tae-Woo Kim, Jitae Shin, and Byung Tae Oh, Moving-Object Based Depth Map Estimation Using Re-labeling and Hybrid Matching, Optical Engineering, 53(3), Mar. 2014. [Ack: NRF]
Yo-Han Kim, Jitae Shin, Jiho Park, Design and Implementation of a Network-Adaptive Mechanism for HTTP Video Streaming, ETRI Journal, vol.35, no.1, pp.27-34, Feb. 2013. [Ack: ETRI]
김태우, 김정훈, 박명우, 신지태, 움직임 객체기반의 하이브리드 깊이맵 다운샘플링 기법 (Hybrid Down-Sampling Method of Depth Map Based on Moving Objects, 한국통신학회논문지, 37A, No. 11, Nov. 2012. pp918-926
Abhishek Roy, Jitae Shin, Navrati Saxena, Multi-Objective Handover in LTE Macro/Femto-Cell Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 14, no.5, pp 578-587, Oct. 2012. [Ack: NRF]
S.H. Choi, K.Y. Shin, and Jitae Shin, 맥파 모델링을 통한 만성 위염 분류기법 (Classification method of chronic gastritis by modeling of pulse signal), 한국정보전자통신기술학회 논문지, Vol. 5, No. 3, Sep. 2012.
J.S. Yoon, C.S. Ahn, J.Shin, Video-Aware Prioritized Network Coding over MIMO Relay Networks(MIMO 릴레이 네트워크에서 비디오 적응적인 중요도 인지 네트워크코딩), The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society (통신학회논문지), Sep. 2012.
S.T. Lee, C.S. Ahn, J.Shin, Dynamic Downlink Resource Management of Femtocells Using Power Control in OFDMA Networks (OFDMA 펨토셀 환경에서 전력 제어를 이용한 동적 하향링크 자원관리 방법), The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society (통신학회논문지), May 2012.
Y.Kim, Jitae Shin, H.Kim, Lightweight Quality Metric Based on No-Reference Bitstream for H.264/AVC Video, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, VOL. 6, NO. 5, May 2012. [Ack: ETRI]
Y.Kim, J.Yoon, Jitae Shin, J.Yang, Layered Video transmission with Network Coding in a Cooperative Virtual MIMO Cellular Relay Networks, IEICE transactions on communications, Vol.E95-B, No.04, pp.1451-1453, Apr. 2012. [Ack: NRF]
Junghyun HAN, Jitae SHIN, and Sang-Hyo KIM, Optimal Bit Allocation with Priority Layer Dropping for H.264 Scalable Video, IEICE transactions on communications, Vol.E95-B, No.02, pp.684-688, Feb. 2012. [Ack: 삼성학술과제]
김현태, 김요한, 신지태, 원석호, No-Referenced Video-Quality Assessment for H.264 SVC with Packet Loss (패킷 손실시 H.264 SVC의 무기준법 영상 화질 평가 방법), The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society (통신학회논문지), Nov. 2011.
김현태, 김요한, 윤지선, 신지태, 패킷 손실 환경에서 무기준법을 이용한 H.264/AVC 비디오의 객관적 영상품질 평가지표, 정보과학회논문지:정보통신, 38권 3호, Jun. 2011.
Abhishek Roy, Navrati Saxena, Jitae Shin, A Novel Resource Allocation and Admission Control in LTE Systems, IEICE Trans. on Comm., Vol. E93-B, No.3, Mar. 2010. pp.721-724. [Ack: ITRC/NRF]
Poongup Lee, Jangkeun Jeong, Navrati Saxena and Jitae Shin, Dynamic Reservation Scheme of Physical Cell Identity for 3GPP LTE Femtocell Systems, Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2009. pp207-220 [Ack: ITRC]
Abhishek Roy, Navrati Saxena, Jitae Shin, QuESt: A QoS-based Energy Efficient Sensor Routing Protocol, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Vol.9 No.3, pp417-426, Mar. 2009. [Ack: KRF]
Dukgu Sung, Yo-Han Kim, Junghyun Han, Jitae Shin, 패킷 비디오 네트워크상의 실시간 무기준법 동영상 화질 평가방법, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (방송공학회 논문지), Vol. 14, No. 4 2009. [Ack: 전력IT인력양성센터]
Yo-Han Kim, Dukgu Sung,Junghyun Han, Jitae Shin, 휘도, 색차의 분포도 분석을 이용한 인지적 무기준법 영상 화질 평가방법, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (방송공학회 논문지), Vol. 14, No. 2 2009. [Ack: ITRC]
Yo-Han Kim, Dukgu Sung, Seungseok Hong, Jitae Shin, An Enhanced Perceptual No-Reference Scheme for Video Quality Measurement Using the Histogram Analysis of Luminance and Chrominance, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (방송공학회 논문지), Vol. 1, pp 185-188, Nov. 2008. [Ack: KOSEF 특정기초과제]
Navrati Saxena, Abhishek Roy, Jitae Shin, Dynamic duty cycle and adaptive contention window based QoS-MAC protocol for wireless multimedia sensornetworks, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Vol 52, Issues 13, pp 2532-2542, Sep. 2008. [Ack: KOSEF/ITRC]
Navrati Saxena, Abhishek ROY , Jitae Shin, Cross-Layer Algorithms for QoS Enhancement in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol.E91-B No.8, pp.2716-2719, Aug. 2008. [Ack: ITRC]
Yo-Han Kim, H. Kwak, Jitae Shin, Qualtiy Enhancement Technique on Video Telephony over WCDMA Network (WCDMA망상에서 영상통화의 품질향상 기법), Journal of Broadcast Engineering(방송공학회 논문지), Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. 2008. pp 25-33 [Ack: KRF 신진교수과제]
Hyoungwon Kwak, Poongup Lee, Yohan Kim, Navrati Saxena, Jitae Shin, Mobility Management Survey for Home-eNB Based 3GPP LTE Systems, Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS), Vol. 4, No. 4 2008. [Ack: ITRC]
Jeong-Yong Choi and Jitae Shin, Cross-Layer Error-Control with Low-Overhead ARQ for H.264 Video Transmission over Wireless LANs, Computer Communications, Vol. 30 Issue 7, pp. 1476- 1486, May 26, 2007. [Ack: KOSEF 특정기초과제]
Jitae Shin, Doug Young Suh, Yongchan Jeong, Seungho Park, Byungjun Bae, and Chunghyun Ahn, et al., Demonstration of Bidirectional Services Using MPEG-4 BIFS in Terrestrial DMB System, ETRI Journal, vol.28, no.5, Oct. 2006. 583-592
Jeong-Yong Choi and Jitae Shin, A novel content-aware interleaving for wireless video transmission, Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 29, Aug. 2006. pp2634-2645
Chunsoo Ahn and Jitae Shin, Enhanced Multipath Routing Protocol Using Congestion Metric in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, LNCS 4096 (EUC06), Seoul Korea, Aug. 2006.
Seung-Jun Lee, Chunsoo Ahn, and Jitae Shin, Control Parameter Setting of IEEE 802.11e for Proportional Loss Rate Differentiation, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3991 (ICCS06), May 2006.
Jeong-Yong Choi and Jitae Shin, Unified Error Control Framework with Cross-Layer Interactions for EfficientH.264 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3994(ICCS06), May 2006.
Jeong-Yong Choi and Jitae Shin, A Novel Design and Analysis of Cross-Layer Error-Control for H.264 Video over Wireless LAN, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3970 (WWIC06), May 2006.
Gooyoun Hwang, Jitae Shin, and JongWon Kim, Dynamic Class Mapping Scheme for Prioritized Video Transmission in Differentiated Services Network, IEICE Trans. on Comm., Vol. E89-B, No. 2, pp393-400, Feb. 2006.
Chul-Ho Lee, Jeong-Yong Choi, Young-Woo Kwon, JongWon Kim, Jitae Shin, Dong-San Jeon, and Jae-GonKim, Network-adaptive transport error control for reliable wireless media transmission, The Journal of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers, (방송공학회논문지), Vol. 10, No. 4, Dec. 2005. (in Korean)
Gooyoun Hwang, Jitae Shin, and JongWon Kim, Scalable and Adaptive QoS Mapping Control Framework for Packet Video Delivery, Springer-Verlag LNCS (PCM05), Nov. 2005.
Gooyoun Hwang, Jitae Shin, and JongWon Kim, Network-Adaptive QoS Control for Relative Service Differentiation-Aware Video Streaming, Springer-Verlag LNCS (MMNS05), Oct. 2005.
Y. Jeong, Jitae Shin, and H-K. Choi, Channel-Adaptive GPS Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multimedia in CDMA Networks, Springer-Verlag LNCS (ICCNMC05), Aug. 2005.
Hyoung-Kee Choi and Jitae Shin, Simulation Framework for Wireless Internet Access Network, Springer-Verlag LNCS3515(ICCS05), May 2005.
Jeong-Yong Choi and Jitae Shin, Content-Aware Packet-Level Interleaving Method for Video Transmission over Wireless Networks, Springer-Verlag LNCS3510 (WWIC05), May 2005.
Jahwan Koo, Jitae Shin, Seongjin Ahn, and Jinwook Chung, Models and Analysis of TCC/AQM Schemes over the DiffServ Networks, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS3420, ICN'05), Apr. 2005.
D.Y. Suh, S.Park, Jitae Shin, Packet loss pattern modeling of cdma2000 mobile Internet channel for network-adaptive multimedia service, Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, Vol. 29, No.1, Jan. 2004. (in Korean)
Yongchan Jeong, Sejung Jung, and Jitae Shin, QoS-Aware Call Admission Control for Multimedia over CDMA Network, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.40, TC12, Dec. 2003. (in Korean)
Jitae Shin et al, Advanced Network 응용 및 활용 사례: Application Technology Area, Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences(한국통신학회지), Vol. 20, No.10, Oct. 2003. (in Korean)
Jitae Shin, An analysis of aggregated traffic marking for multi-service networks, IEICE Trans. on communications, Vol. E86-B, No.2, Feb. 2003.
Junho Jeong, Jitae Shin, Doug Young Suh, Quality Enhancement of Video Services over QoS Controlled Network, IEICE Trans. on communication, Vol. E86-B, No.2, Feb. 2003.
J.W.Kim and Jitae Shin, Dynamic Network Adaptation Framework employing Layered RelativePriority Index for Adaptive Video Delivery, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2002), Taiwan, Dec. 2002.
J.Jeong, D.Y. Suh, Jitae Shin, J.M.Seok, and K.H.Lee, Effective Method of Video Services over QoSControlled Network, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.39, SP6, Nov. 2002. (in Korean)
Jitae Shin and J.W.Kim, Performance Evaluation of Differentiated Services to MPEG-4 FGS Video Streaming MPEG-4( FGS 비디오 스트리밍에 대한 네트워크 차별화 서비스의 성능분석), Journal of Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, vol.27, no.7A, Jul. 2002. pp101-112
Jitae Shin, J. Kim, and C.-C. J.Kuo, Quality of Service Mapping Mechanism for Packet Video in Differentiated Services Network, IEEE Tran. on Multimedia, Vol. 3, No. 2, Jun. 2001. pp219-231
Jitae Shin, J.G.Kim, J.W. Kim, and C.-C. J.Kuo, Dynamic QoS Mapping Control for Streaming Video in Relative Service Differentiation Networks, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol 12, No 3, p217-230, May 2001. http://www.aei.it/riviste/ett08.html
S.D. Sohn, Y.Suh, B.H.Kang, J.Shin, and C.S.Chun, Safety Computer System, CPCS Design in Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Korea Nuclear Society, Vol 26, No 4, Dec. 1994.
Hyunmin Kong, Jitae Shin, "Robust Object Detection Across Diverse Environments Using Contrastive Learning-Based Domain Adaptation" ICCE-ASIA 2024, Nov. 4, 2024
Gyutae Oh, Jitae Shin, "Patch Core++ : Augmenting Coreset for Superior Industrial Anomaly Detection" ICCE-ASIA 2024, Nov. 4, 2024
Jiseon Moon, Jitae Shin, "Generalized Deep Learning Model for Restoration of Degraded Images under Multiple Degradations" ITC-CSCC 2024, July. 5, 2024
Siwon Hwang, Jitae Shin, "3D Knee Structure Reconstruction from 2D X-rays Based on Generative Deep Learning Models" ITC-CSCC 2024, July. 4, 2024
Gyutae Oh, Jitae Shin, "Hyperspectral Image Augmentation Technique for the Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy" ITC-CSCC 2024, July. 4, 2024
Hyunmin Kong, Jitae Shin, "Robust Object Detection Using Depth from Monocular Camera for Feature Common Representation" ITC-CSCC 2024, July. 3, 2024
Jiseon Moon, Sangil Ahn, Min Gyu Joo, Hyoung Won Baac, Jitae Shin, "Multi-Modal Deep Learning for the Thickness Prediction of Blood Clot," The 25th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology (ICACT2023), Feb. 19, 2023.
신우석, 신지태, "클라이언트가중치의다봉분포시분산을이용한연합학습 [p3-7]," IPIU [35th WORKSHOP ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING ] 2023, Feb. 10, 2023.
문지선, 신지태, "비지도학습 기반 이미지 연무 제거 모델 [p2-34]," IPIU 2023, Feb. 09, 2023.
Quang T.M. Pham, 한종철, 신지태, "Predicting the visual field of glaucoma patients with contrastive learning [p1-73]," IPIU 2023, Feb. 08, 2023.
Sangil Ahn and Jitae Shin, "Self-supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection in Fundus Image," Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (OMIA) 2022, LNCS 13576, pp. 143–151, With MICCAI 2022, Sep. 22, 2022.
Quang T. M. Pham, Jong Chul Han, and Jitae Shin, "Visual Field Prediction with Missing and Noisy Data Based on Distance-Based Loss," Medical Image Learning with Limited and Noisy Data (MILLanD) 2022, LNCS 13559, pp. 199–205, With MICCAI 2022, Sep. 22, 2022.
Wooseok Shin and Jitae Shin, "FedVar: Federated Learning Algorithm with Weight Variation in Clients," ITC-CSCC 2022,, Jul. 06, 2022.
Deogho Choi and Jitae Shin, "Graph Structure Learning based on Mistakenly Predicted Edges from Reconstructed Graph Representation," ITC-CSCC 2022,, Jul. 06, 2022.
Deogho Choi, Daniel Chae, Wooyeon Kim, Jihong Kim, Janghoon Yang, and Jitae Shin, "Deep Clustering for Mixed-type Data with Frequency Encoding and Doubly Weighted Cross Entropy Loss," ITC-CSCC 2022. , Jul. 06, 2022.
Yan Wang and Jitae Shin, "GAN-based face identity feature recovery for image inpainting," 37th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) , Jul. 06, 2022.
Jiseon Moon, Jitae Shin, "비지도학습 기반 저화질 CCTV 화질 개선 알고리즘 ( Low-quality CCTV image super resolution algorithm based on unsupervised learning )," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회, Jun. 30, 2022.
Sidra Bibi and Jitae Shin, "Detection of Face Features using Adapted Triplet Loss with Biased data," IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) - International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Jun. 21, 2022.
Tran Minh Quang Pham and Jitae Shin, "Generative Adversarial Networks for Retinal Image Enhancement with Pathological Information," IMCOM 2021 , Jan. 05, 2021.
Mehwish Awan, Jitae Shin, "Online Keyframe Selection Scheme for Semantic Video Segmentation," IEEE ICCE-Asia , Nov. 01, 2020.
Mehwish Awan, Jitae Shin, "Semantic Video Segmentation with Dense-and-Dual Warping Spatial Features," International Conference on AI in information and communication (ICAIIC 2020), Japan, Feb. 20, 2020.
황혜경,신지태, "Gaussian Clustering을 활용한 Single Shot Object Detector," 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회, Feb. 05, 2020. [NRF2020]
Yongwoo Lee, Toan Duc Bui and Jitae Shin, "Pedestrian Detection based on Deep Fusion Network using Feature Correlation," APSIPA 2018, Honolulu, USA, Nov. 14, 2018. [ITRC 2018, NRF2017, NRF2018]
Toan Duc Bui, Sang-il Ahn, Yongwoo Lee, Jitae Shin, "A Skip-Connected 3D DenseNet Networks with Adversarial Training for Volumetric Segmentation," MICCAI2018 BrainLes 2018, LNCS 11383 proceedings, Granada, Spain, Sep. 16, 2018. [ITRC 2018, NRF2018]
안상일, 황혜경, Toan Bui and 신지태, "EnhanceNet 기반 저 해상도 세포영상 개선을 통한 세포 검출 및 분할 성능 향상," 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, May 04, 2018.
Hamayoun Shahwani, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Jitae Shin, "Priority-Destination-based Rerouting of Vehicles in time of Accident," TECH INSIGHT, Dubai, Mar. 30, 2018.
Hamayoun Shahwani, B. Mugarbarigira, Jitae Shin, Jaehoon Jeong, "An Effective Data Processing and Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks," ACM IMCOM 2018, Jan. 05, 2018.
Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin, and Taesup Moon, "3D Densely Convolutional Networks for Volumetric Segmentation," MICCAI, iSeg-2017 ( MICCAI Grand Challenge on 6-month Infant Brain MRI Segmentation), https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.03199 , Sep. 14, 2017.
Hamayoun Shahwani, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong and Jitae Shin, "A Safe Lane Change for Semi-Automated Vehicles in VANET," International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Jul. 03, 2017.
Yongwoo Lee, Jitae Shin, "A neural-network based impulse noise detection and removal using group-based sparse representation," International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, Jul. 03, 2017.
Hamayoun Shahwani, Chau Minh Phuc, Yongwoo Lee, Jitae Shin, "Soccer Game-based Data Dissemination for VANETs [차량간 통신 네트워크에서 축구 경기 기반의 데이터 보급 기법]," 대한전자공학회 학술대회 [IEEK], Busan, Jun. 2017.
Phuc CHAU, Toan Duc BUI, Yongwoo LEE, Jitae SHIN, "Efficient Data Uploading Based on Network Coding in LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks," ICACT, Feb. 2017., Feb. 2017. [Outstanding Paper Award ]
Hamayoun Shahwani, Jaehoon Jeong, Jitae Shin, "A Stable Clustering Algorithm based on Affinity Propagation for VANETs," ICACT, Feb. 2017.
Phuc Chau,Yongwoo Lee, Toan Duc Bui, Jitae Shin, Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, "An Efficient Resource Allocation Scheme for Scalable Video Multicast in LTE-Advanced Networks," IMCOM, Beppu, Japan, Jan. 05, 2017.
이승현, 이용우, 신지태, "Device-to-Device 통신 환경에서의 매칭 이론을 이용한 자원 할당 기법," 전자정보통신 학술대회 (CEIC), Dec. 02, 2016. [Best Paper Award]
Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin, "Robust Scalable Video Multicast Using Triangular Network Coding in LTE/LTE-Advanced," APSIPA , Dec. 2016.
Hamayoun Shahwani,Siraj Muneer,, Jitae Shin, "An Energy Efficient Clustering technique in M2M Based on Affinity Propagation," International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Pakistan, Oct. 19, 2016.
Dong-ryul Oh, Yongwoo Lee, and Jitae Shin, "A weighted trilateral filter for improving virtual view synthesis quality in MVD based 3D video system," ICTC 2015, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 28, 2015.
Phuc Chau, Jitae Shin, "UEP network coding for SVC streaming," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), PCM 2015, Sep. 2015.
안천수, 이용우, Bui Duc Toan, 신지태, "SVC 계층 및 GOP 왜곡도를 고려한 Raptor 코드 기반 UEP 기법," 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, Jan. 2015.
Phuc Chau, Seongyeon Kim, Yongwoo Lee, and Jitae shin, "Hierarchical Random Linear Network Coding for Multicast Scalable Video Streaming," APSIPA ASC 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Dec. 09, 2014.
Toan Bui, Phuc Chau, Chunsoo Ahn, and Jitae Shin, "A Performance Comparison Between Expanding Window Fountain and Hierarchical Network Codes in Scalable Video Coding," ICTC 2014, Busan, Korea, Oct. 22, 2014.
Wooyeun Kim, and Jitae Shin, "Perceptual video quality model for packet delay," ICCPND 2014, Busan, Korea, Jul. 10, 2014.
Yong-woo Lee, Bui Toan, Chunsoo Ahn, and Jitae Shin, "Cartilage-Defect Assessment by Measuring Thickness of Knee MRI: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative," ISCE 2014, Jeju, Korea, Jun. 22, 2014.
Yong-woo Lee, Taemin Cho and Jitae Shin, "Content-aware Network Coding for Layered Video over Wireless Relay Networks," ICACT 2014, Pyeongchang, Korea, Feb. 17, 2014.
Phuc Chau, Yongwoo Lee and Jitae Shin, "A Comparison of Transmission Schemes for Scalable Video over MIMO Relay Networks," ICACT 2014, Pyeongchang, Korea, Feb. 17, 2014.
Toan Bui, Chunsoo Ahn, Yong-woo Lee, and Jitae Shin, "Fully Automatic Segmentation Based on Localizing Active Contour Method," ICUIMC 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Jan. 2014.
TaeMin Cho, Yongwoo Lee, and Jitae Shin, "A Homogenizing Filter for Depth Map Compressive Sensing Using Edge- Adaptive Method," ICTC 2013, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 15, 2013.
Bui Toan, Chunsoo Ahn, Yong-woo Lee, Jitae Shin, "Lesion Size Estimation in Knee MRI Based on Intergrating Spatial Fuzz C-means Clustering with Level Set Methods," ITC-CSCC 2013, Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 30, 2013.
Yong-woo Lee, Chunsoo Ahn, Bui Toan, Jitae Shin, "Performance Comparison of Local Transformations for Knee MR Images," ITC-CSCC 2013, Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 30, 2013.
TaeMin Cho, Junghun Kim and Jitae Shin, "A Compressive Sensing of Depth Map Using Edge-Adaptive Trasnformation," ITC-CSCC 2013, Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 30, 2013.
Myung Woo Park, Chunsoo Ahn and Jitae Shin, "Object-Based Hybrid Down-Sampling for Depth Map Coding," ITC-CSCC 2013, Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 30, 2013.
안천수, 신지태, "의료영상 기기별 영상필터 적용에 대한 인지품질 평가 분석," 제25회신호처리합동학술대회, 성균관대학교, Korea, Sep. 2012.
박명우, 안천수, 신지태, "다 시점 기반 3차원 영상 품질 최적화를 위한 칼라와 깊이 영상의 비트할당," 제25회신호처리합동학술대회, 성균관대학교, Korea, Sep. 2012.
Jisun Yoon, Chunsoo Ahn, Taemin Cho and Jitae Shin, "An Unequal Error Protection Using Prioritized Network coding for Scalable video Streaming," WSEAS Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 2012.
Myungwoo Park and Jitae Shin, "Bit Allocation of Multi-view Plus Depth Video," ITC-CSCC, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2012.
Chunsoo Ahn, Taemin Cho, Myungwoo Park and Jitae Shin, "Improved eMMC Performance by Using Adaptive Enhanced Area," ITC-CSCC, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2012.
Junghun Kim, Taewoo Kim, Myungwoo Park and Jitae Shin, "A Post-processing Scheme of Depth Map Using Two-Tier Filtering," ITC-CSCC, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2012.
Taemin Cho, Chunsoo Ahn and Jitae Shin, "Compressed Sensing for Depth Map Using Improved Total Variation," ITC-CSCC, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2012.
Taewoo Kim, Myungwoo Park and Jitae Shin, "Free-viewpoint Video Quality Enhancement Using Rearranged and filtered Depth Maps," ITC-CSCC, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2012.
김용혁, 채희창, 신지태, "은닉노드가 존재하는 무선멀티홉망 상의 지연조건을 고려한 경쟁윈도우제어," 방송공학회추계학술대회, Nov. 2011.
M. Seo, M. Punit, J. Shin, "An Analysis for Delay Elements of Channel Zapping in IPTV System," 12th International Conference on Computers, Communications and Systems (ICCCS), Daegu, Korea, Nov. 2011.
Tae-Woo Kim, Jitae Shin, "3-D Video Quality Enhancement by Non-Linear Depth Map Configuration Based on Moving Objects," 2011 4th CISP-BMEI, Shanghai, China, Oct. 2011.
J.Y. Lee, H.Y. Hwang, Jitae Shin, and S. Valaee, "Distributed Optimal TXOP Control for Throughput Requirements in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN," IEEE PIMRC, Toronto, USA, Sep. 2011.
Jinhyun Park, Sangtae Lee, Taewoo Kim, Jitae Shin, Seok Ho Won, "Low-Complexity Bit Allocation of Layered FEC using LDPC for H.264 Scalable Video," Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications (IDCTA), 7th International Conference, Aug. 2011.
Taeyong Lee, Hyuntai Kim, Jinhyun Park and Jitae Shin, "Dynamic Frequency Planning using Fractional Frequency Reuse for 3GPP LTE femtocell Networks," IEEE ICUIMC, Feb. 2011.
윤지선, 이상태, 김현태, 신지태, "네트워크 코딩과 MIMO 기법을이용한무선릴레이-OFDM 시스템의 BER 성능 분석," 통신학회동계학술대회논문집 2011.
Sangtae Lee, Jinhyun Park, Jisun Yoon and Jitae Shin, "Resource Allocation Using Power Control in OFDMA Femtocell Networks," ITC-CSCC 2011 2011.
Jisun Yoon, Sangtae Lee, Seok Ho Won, Jitae Shin, "Performance analysis of wireless relay-based MIMO system using network coding," 2011 7th International Conference on Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications (IDCTA), pp.188-191 2011.
Sangtae Lee, Jisun Yoon, Jinhyun Park, Jitae Shin, "Analysis of Handover based on CINR and RSS in IEEE 802.16e-based Femto-cell Systems," KSPC 2010, Oct. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Taeyoung Lee, Hyuntai Kim, Jinhyun Park, Jitae Shin, "An Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDMA Femtocells Networks," VTC 2010, Sep. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Taeyoung Lee, Jisun Yoon, Sangtae Lee, Jitae Shin, "Resource allocation analysis in OFDMA femtocells using Fractional Frequency Reuse," PIMRC 2010, Sep. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Jangkeun Jeong, Hyuntai Kim, Sangtae Lee, Jitae Shin, "An Analysis of Hidden Node Problem in IEEE 802.11 Multihop Networks," NCM 2010, Aug. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Hyuntai Kim, Yo-han Kim, Jitae Shin, "No-Reference Quality Metric for H.264/AVC Video with Packet Loss," SWCC 2010, Aug. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Taeyoung Lee, Sangtae Lee, Jinhyun Park, Jitae Shin, "Subcarrier Allocation Method for Guaranteed Macrocell Throughput in OFDMA Femtocell Networks," SWCC 2010, Aug. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Jisun Yoon, JinHyun Park, Jitae Shin, "Performance Analysis of MIMO with Network Coding for Wireless Relay System," SWCC 2010, Aug. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Jangkeun Jeong, Taeyoung Lee, Juyong Lee, Jitae Shin, "Analysis of Hidden Node Problem in Multihop Networks based on IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN," 2010 한국통신학회하계종합학술발표회, Jun. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Taeyoung Lee, Jangkeun Jeong, Jisun Yoon, Jitae Shin, "Adjustable Subcarrier Allocation for Spectral Efficiency and User Fairness in 3GPP LTE Downlink Systems," ICACT 2010, Feb. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Poongup Lee, Taeyoung Lee, Jangkeun Jeong, Jitae Shin, "Interference Management in LTE Femtocell Systems Using Fractional Frequency Reuse," ICACT 2010, Feb. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Junghyun Han, Yo-han Kim, Jangkeun Jeong, Jitae Shin, "Video Quality Estimation for Packet Loss Based on No-Reference Method," ICACT 2010, Feb. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Jisun Yoon, Sangtae Lee, Hyuntai Kim, Jitae Shin, "BER Performance Analysis of MIMO with Network Coding for Wireless Relay OFDM System," 2010 한국통신학회동계종합학술발표회, Feb. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Jisun Yoon, Sangtae Lee, Jitae Shin, "Capacity Performance Analysis of Combined Scheme with MIMO and Network Coding for Wireless Relay OFDM System," 2010 한국통신학회동계종합학술발표회, Feb. 2010. (Ack: NRF)
Patent & Standard Docs.
무선트래픽 규격화를 위한 인지품질 기반 영상 데이터 품질평가 모델
압축 센싱 기반 경계면을 고려한 깊이맵 압축과 homogenizing 필터
홍승석, 신지태, 동영상 화질 평가 시스템 및 방법 (System and Method for Video Quality Measurement), 10-0938211-0000 , 2010.01.14.
신지태, 섹서나, 로이, 다개체 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 라우팅 경로 검색 방법 및 그에 따른 센서 네트워크 시스템 (Routing Tree Searching Method Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Corresponding Sensor Network System), 10-0950423-0000, 2010.03.23.
유범곤, 곽형원, 신지태, 착신 모드 전환 방법 및 이를 적용한 이동통신단말기 (Method for Changing Call Receive Mode and Mobile Phone Using it), 10-1000037-0000, 2010.12.03.
신지태, 김귀중, 사용자-사용자 정보 엘리먼트 활용 방법 및 이를 적용한휴대용 단말기(METHOD OF UTILIZING USER-USER INFORMATION ELEMENT AND HAND-HELD TERMINAL PERFORMING THE METHOD), 10-1013675-0000, 2011.01.31.
김요한, 신지태, 원형저장공간을 이용한 음조변환방법 (Tonality Change Method Using Circular Buffer), 10-1013571-0000, 2011.01.31.
이승준, 신지태, 화상 통화를 위한 데이터 처리 방법 및 장치 (Method and apparatus for processing data for video phone service), 10-0961069-0000, 2010.05.26.
배성준, 홍승석, 신지태, 다중 멀티캐스트 채널로 전송되는 계층적 구조를 갖는 데이터 수신 장치 및 방법 (Apparatus and Method for receiving Data of Layer Structure through Multiple Multicast Channel), 10-0963411-0000, 2010.06. 04.
A QoE Enhancement using UEP Network Coding for Scalable Video, ITU-T Study Group 16, Nov. 2011.
Prioritized Network Coding for SVC video in CoMP Transmission,3GPP SA4, S4-110956, Nov. 7-12, 2011.
Cross-Layer QoS mapping for H.264 SVC over 3GPP LTE Systems, ITU-T Study Group 16, AVD-4122, Nov. 2011.
QoS mapping for H.264 SVC over 3GPP LTE using cross-layer approach, ITU-T Study Group 16, AVD-4020, Nov. 2010.
Junho Jeong, Doug Young Suh, Jitae Shin, Joo Myung Seok(ETRI), Jong Hyup Lee(ETRI), Compatibility of MPEG-4 Traffic Descriptors to the Current Networks, MPEG, M7740, December 3, 2001, Pataya.